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      In the “Pro Hunting Article” by Sally Driscoll it is thought that hunting is a natural part of human and animal nature and should be preserved as long as it doesn’t become a problem to our biodiversity. Towards the end of the article it starts talking about our natural advantage saying, “In a fair chase, humans must prove that they have the skill to hunt an animal, while the animal have a sporting chance to get away.” Also saying,  “The sport of hunting has often been plagued with spoilers, especially as humans have struggled to determine appropriate uses for technology.” These diction choices show that sometimes hunting has been tainted by the “Extreme Hunters” who artificially increase their natural advantage using technology rather than using pure skill of tracking and knowledge of their environment.It is thought that hunters hunt animals to extinction all the time and that is why many people hate the idea of hunting as a  sport.That is because it  decreases the number of animals in the envoirnment. Truly, hunters are more self- conscious about what they are hunting. Many states have put bans and regulations on hunting and really if you are hunting  illegal animals or illegally  you are considered a poacher not a hunter therefore hunters are not the ones hunting illegally poachers are. In the article it says, “In the twenty-first century hunters understand the concept of sustainability.”, meaning, “they ensure the stability of animal populations and help keep a healthy biodiversity.”Clearly, these examples show that in reality hunters are doing better things for our environment rather than hurting it by keeping populations in check and staying connected with nature through the ultimate sport of hunting.

"The Most Dangerous Game"

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